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What we do...


To Pursue Initiatives and Projects that Support Economic Vitality in the Community

The Texas legislature passed laws in 1979 that allow local voters to tax themselves ½ cent sales tax to be earmarked for economic development in their community.

EDCs are funded by sales tax (and investments) which is received two months after it is collected. For example, sales tax collected in June will come to the EDC from the state in August.

The Dublin EDC, a 4-B corporation, is governed by a seven-member board, and its daily operations are overseen by an executive director.  The city council approves the EDC’s annual budget, as well as the appointment of directors to the board.

Agendas for the monthly EDC meetings are posted at city hall and at the EDC office and meetings are open to the public except for executive sessions which are governed by the same laws as the city council. Board members are trained in the legalities of open meetings and public information. 

The mission statement of the Dublin Economic Development Corporation, which was formed in 1997, is to initiate or support projects which strengthen the local economy.  The top priority is job creation or retention. The development of a quality lifestyle and support of tourism are also priorities, because both bring people to Dublin.  

The Dublin EDC can provide grants or make no-interest or low-interest loans or can back a bank loan. The terms could depend on the borrower’s ability to create and maintain new jobs.

The EDC has funded or provided financial assistance for the city library’s E-Reader program; upgrades at the city park in the baseball fields, swimming pool and riding arena; facades and signage for businesses; lift station for a new business; roll-offs for cleanup, demolition and beautification projects; yard signs and brochures which promote a driving tour of historical homes; renovation on historic properties; marketing of community events; a billboard to promote local lodging, shopping and museums, and the chamber of commerce’s Dublin Dollars campaign which promotes home shopping.




Former city council member; manager of Bradberry’s Best Livestock Feed and Supply



Vice President

Retired from Delta Airlines; former Dublin Mayor and Councilman




Former city council member; employed by AgTexas Farm Credit Services


Lanora Davidson

Owner of Things Celtic



School board member; partner in Bovine Supply Line


Sammy Moore

Director of Pharmacy at Texas Health Resources

 City Council Member


Troy Camp

Manager of Bradberry Building Supplies


Penny Corona

Executive Director



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